
Os Plugins fornecem a funcionalidade opcional para Zenphoto. They may be provided as part of the Zenphoto distribution or as offerings from third parties. Os plugins ficam na pastazp-core/plugins que serão descobertos automáticamente. Marque na caixa e verifique se suas funções estão disponíveis nas páginas do tema. Desmarque se acaso mostrar alguma deficiente e ou se não quiser ocupar algum recurso.

class-textobject v1.0.0Provides a means for showing text where zenphoto would normally display images. For documentation, see the script file.
Autor: Stephen Billard (sbillard)
class-video v1.0.0Video and MP3/4 handling for Zenphoto.
Autor: Stephen Billard (sbillard)
contact_form v1.1.3.2Prints a e-mail contact form that uses Zenphotos internal validation functions for e-mail and URL. Name, e-mail adress, subject and message (and if enabled Captcha) are required fields. You need to enter a custom mail adress that should be use for the messages. Supports Zenphoto's captcha and confirmation before the message is sent. No other spam filter support, since mail providers have this anyway.
Autor: Malte Müller (acrylian), Stephen Billard (sbillard)
dynamic-locale v1.0.0Enable dynamic-locale to allow viewers of your site to select the language translation of their choice.
Informação do uso
Autor: Stephen Billard (sbillard)
filter-admin_toolbox v1.0.0An example of how to create extensions to the administrative toolbox on your theme pages.
Informação do uso
Autor: Stephen Billard (sbillard)
filter-file_searches v1.0.0Filter out files from albums and image searches that we do not want shown. See the plugin options for configuration.
Informação do uso
Autor: Stephen Billard (sbillard)
filter-new_objects v1.0.0Adds admin user who uploaded image to the description of the image (and to the album description if the album did not already exist.) For this to work with ZIP files you must have ZZIPlib configured in your PHP.
Informação do uso
Autor: Stephen Billard (sbillard)
filter-zenphoto_seo v1.0.0Filter applied to filenames to translate accented characters to unaccented ones for seo friendly URLs.
Informação do uso
Autor: Stephen Billard (sbillard)
flowplayer v1.0.3Enable flowplayer to handle multimedia files. IMPORTANT: Only one multimedia player plugin can be enabled at the time.
NOTE: This plugin currently still uses Flowplayer 2. Please see for more info about the player and its licence.
Informação do uso
Autor: Malte Müller (acrylian), Stephen Billard (sbillard)
flvplayer v1.0.3Enable FLV player to handle multimedia files. IMPORTANT: Only one multimedia player plugin can be enabled at the time.
NOTE: You need to buy a licence from the player's developer LongTail Video if you intend to use this plugin for commercial purposes. Please see LongTail Video - JW players for more info about the player and its licence.
Informação do uso
Autor: Malte Müller (acrylian), Stephen Billard (sbillard)
flv_playlist v1.0.5A plugin to show the content of an media album with .flv/.mp4/.mp3 movie/audio files only as a playlist or as separate players with flv player (some options are also shared with that plugin).Note:Currently supports only FLV player version 3. Requires flvplayer plugin. Also note the usage licence of FLV player on its plugin description
Informação do uso
Autor: Malte Müller (acrylian), Stephen Billard (sbillard)
GoogleCheckout v1.0.1GoogleCheckout Integration for Zenphoto.
Informação do uso
Autor: Jeremy Coleman (mammlouk), Stephen Billard (sbillard)
google_maps v1.3Unterstützung für Google Maps basierend auf Längen- und Breitengradangaben in den Bilddateien.
Autor: Dustin Brewer (mankind), Stephen Billard (sbillard), Eric Bayard (babar)
image_album_statistics v1.0.7Funktionen, die verschiedene Statistiken zu Bildern und Alben der Galerie zur Verfügung stellen.
Informação do uso
Autor: Malte Müller (acrylian), Stephen Billard (sbillard)
paged_thumbs_nav v1.0.2Prints a paged thumbs navigation on image.php, independend of the album.php's thumbsThe function contains some predefined CSS ids you can use for styling. Please see the documentation for more info.
Autor: Malte Müller (acrylian)
print_album_menu v1.4.6Fügt die Designfunktion printAlbumMenu() hinzu, um ein Albummenü entweder als verschachtelte Liste mit bis zu 4 Unterstufen (contextsensitiv) oder als Ausklappmenü auszugeben.
Informação do uso
Autor: Malte Müller (acrylian)
rating v1.0.1Fügt verschiedene Funktionen hinzu, die die Bewertung von Bildern und/oder Alben durch Seitenbesucher ermöglichen.
Informação do uso
Autor: Malte Müller (acrylian) and Stephen Billard (sbillard)
register_user v1.0.0Provides a means for placing a user logout link on your theme pages.
Informação do uso
Autor: Stephen Billard (sbillard)
shutterfly v1.0.1Fügt einen Link hinzu, der Bestellungen von Einzelbilddrucken über Shutterfly ermöglicht.
Informação do uso
Autor: Darrell Dudics (GameDudeX) adapted as a plugin by Stephen Billard (sbillard)
slideshow v1.0.6.6Fügt eine Funktion hinzu, um eine Diaschau anzuzeigen, entweder mit jQuery (voreingestellt) oder mit Flash unter Verwendung des Flowplayers, sofern dieser installiert ist. Zusätzlich müssen im Ordner des verwendeten Themes die Dateien slideshow.php, slideshow.css und slideshow-controls.png vorhanden sein. Kopieren Sie sie gegebenenfalls aus einem der in Zenphoto enthaltenen Standardthemes.
Informação do uso
Autor: Malte Müller (acrylian), Stephen Billard (sbillard), Don Peterson (dpeterson)
static_html_cache v1.0.2Adds static html cache functionality to Zenphoto v1.2 or higher. Caches all Zenphoto pages (incl. Zenpage support) except search.php (search results, date archive) and the custom error page 404.php. This plugin creates the folder cache_html and it's subfolders index, images, albums and pages in Zenphoto's root folder.
Informação do uso
Autor: Malte Müller (acrylian)
tag_suggest v1.0.0Enables jQuery tag suggestions on the search field. Just activate the plugin and the feature is available on the theme's search field.
Informação do uso
Autor: Malte Müller (acrylian), Stephen Billard (sbillard) — an adaption of Remy Sharp's jQuery Tag Suggestion
user_logout v1.0.0Provides a means for placing a user logout link on your theme pages.
Informação do uso
Autor: Stephen Billard (sbillard)
viewer_size_image v1.0.0Provides a means allowing users to select the image size to view.
Informação do uso
Autor: Stephen Billard (sbillard)
zenPaypal v1.0.1zenPayPal -- Paypal Integration für Zenphoto.
Informação do uso
Autor: Ebrahim Ezzy (Nimbuz) adapted as a plugin by Stephen Billard (sbillard)